
Traffic Citation

Non-approved architectural, landscaping, and other projects
$250.00 Per incident
General Site Maintenance
$  50.00 Per day upon grace period expiration and violation not corrected. If violation is repeated after first incident was addressed, HOA has discretion to fine homeowner immediately without a grace period
Visual areas not in compliance
$100.00  1st day & $50.00 per day until corrected
$250.00  1st day for subsequent incidents & $50 per day until corrected
Violation of regulations as written in St Ives Country Club Covenants
$100.00  1st incident
$250.00  Subsequent incident
Using Smart Card on any vehicle other than assigned vehicle
$100.00  1st incident
$250.00  Subsequent incident
Traffic Violations (Please include your citation number)
$  50.00  Speeding
$  50.00  Stop Sign
$  50.00  Unregistered Golf Cart
$  50.00  Illegal Street Parking
$  50.00  Operating Vehicle w/o Driver’s License
$100.00  Reckless Driving
$100.00  Illegal Parking 15 ft from Fire Hydrant
$100.00  Unauthorized Entry or Exit
$100.00  Unauthorized Advertising & Solicitation
$100.00  Abusive Language
Destruction of any common area including walls and fences
$500.00  Per incident plus full cost of repair and/or replacement of damaged property
Mailbox – Common design and shall include only street number
$300.00  Failure to comply
Lot Maintenance Violations
$250.00  Per incident plus costs to getting lot up to minimum community standards. HOA must be reimbursed within 60 days or a lien will be placed on home
New Request
New or Replacement Smart Card
$  50.00  For each new card or replacement card due to loss
New Home Review
$500.00  Must accompany the plan when submitted for review
New Home Construction Deposit
$10,000.00  Due after Final Design Review and before Clearing Inspection
Existing Home Addition Conceptual Drawing
Homeowner is responsible for any fees incurred for external architectural or engineering reviews
Estate Sales
$200.00  One-time fee

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Min. $50.00
Max. $5000.00